
Pokemon diamond and pearl for pc
Pokemon diamond and pearl for pc

However, it is not easy, because success is determined by the number of health points of the caught Pokemon and the strength of the Poke Ball you have. When we manage to defeat a wild Pokemon, and we have a spare Poke Ball in stock, nothing prevents us from trying to catch it and use it in subsequent battles. Traveling through Sinnoh the length and breadth, we primarily carry out tasks that push the story forward and perform various side missions, as well as fight numerous clashes with both wild Pokemon and other trainers. There is still nothing left for us to do but embark on a long journey.

pokemon diamond and pearl for pc

The actual adventure begins when we come into possession of the first Poke Ball and Pokemon.

pokemon diamond and pearl for pc

We start the game in the hero’s hometown. In Pokemon Brilliant we observe the action from a bird’s eye view. A kind of icing on the cake is catching the legendary Pokemon, which in the described production is Dialga (while in Pokemon Shining Pearl – Palkia). Our ward (or ward) not only travels, catches Pokemon and gains valuable experience, but also faces the sinister Team Galactic – a group planning to destroy the world and create its own on its ruins. During the game, we play the role of a newly minted trainer who dreams of becoming the champion of the Pokemon League. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond takes us on a journey to Sinnoh Island, inspired by Japanese Hokkaido. The title debuted with the twin Pokemon Shining Pearl. The production, which was created for the Nintendo Switch platform, was developed by the ILCA studio.

pokemon diamond and pearl for pc

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond is a comprehensive remake of the RPG game Pokemon Diamond, released in 2007 for the Nintendo DS console. Compared to the original, the title stands out mainly due to the thoroughly refreshed graphics. In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, we travel through the land of Sinnoh as a career-climbing Pokemon trainer (or trainer). A remake of the game Pokemon Diamond, developed by ILCA studio.

Pokemon diamond and pearl for pc